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November 22, 2022

HSLC Office Closure Notice
HSLC will be closed for business on Thursday, Nov. 24, and Friday, Nov. 25, in observance of Thanksgiving.
HSLC staff will monitor support for any notification of service outages. All other support needs will be responded to upon our return to work on Monday, Nov. 28.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Books on Education Now Available in EBSCO E-Books
Find these newly added titles in EBSCO E-Books:
  • Assessing Digital Literacy
  • Connecting Your Students with the Virtual World
  • Digital Literacy for Teachers
  • Get Organized Digitally!
  • Teaching at Scale
  • Teaching with Google Classroom

Add a Link to PA Online Learning Tutorials On Your Website!
Your Library's Link to PA Online Learning is available in the Links Generator.

PA Online Learning, provided by the Office of Commonwealth Libraries for all Pennsylvanians, is a FREE growing collection of tutorials on how to use software, social media, and library resources, such as POWER Library! 

The icon and link have been added to the Links Generator in the POWER Library - For Librarians section so that libraries may add the link to their website, blogs, social media posts, etc.

Public Libraries:
Update the Library Status Form with Your Current Operating Status
Keep the Find a PA Library lookup updated! Please update the Library Status Form to add or change information for your library.

Do You Need Support? We Are Here To Help!
If you need support, please use one of the options provided below to contact HSLC. 

Complete the POWER Library Support Form
Email us at
Call us at 215-222-1532

Connect with us
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POWER Library
This project is made possible in part by Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services and through the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Library Access funds administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Office of Commonwealth Libraries. The views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this website do not necessarily represent those of the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services or the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

POWER Library is hosted by HSLC
3600 Market St., Suite 550
Philadelphia, PA 19104