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February 13, 2024

Image with words Find E-Resources

New Name Coming for EBSCO Product

Beginning on or around March 1, EBSCO will be updating the names of some products. Specifically, products ending in the name 'Center' will become 'Source'. For example, Science Reference Center will become Science Reference Source. We will update the POWER Library portal and make an updated icon available. 

Science Reference Source is the only EBSCO e-resource in POWER Library that will change. 

However, in case your institution subscribes to other EBSCO products locally, the following is the full list of products that will have their name updated.

(These products are NOT in POWER Library.)
Biography Reference Source
History Reference Source
Literary Reference Source
Literary Reference Source Plus
Poetry & Short Story Reference Source
Points of View Reference Source
Australia/New Zealand Points of View Reference Source
Canadian Points of View Reference Source


* There will be no change to your POWER Library links as a result of this change.

* If you have the Science Reference Center icon on your website, blog, etc., it will need to be updated. We will provide notice in the Access Penn. News when an updated icon with the revised Science Reference Source name is available.

Presidents' Day HSLC Office Closure Notice

HSLC will be closed for business on Monday, February 19, in observance of the Presidents' Day holiday.

HSLC staff will monitor support for any notification of service outages. All other support needs will be responded to upon our return to work on Tuesday, February 20.

HSLC wishes everyone a happy Presidents' Day holiday!

From Britannica School Elementary:
In the 1880s the U.S. government made the birthday of Washington (February 22) a national holiday. New York, Illinois, and some other states made the birthday of Lincoln (February 12) a holiday, too. In 1968 the U.S. Congress passed a bill to move Washington’s Birthday from February 22 to the third Monday in February. At the time, some members of Congress wanted the holiday to honor Lincoln as well. They tried to change the official name to Presidents’ Day, but they failed.

"Presidents' Day." Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica, 19 Oct. 2023. Accessed 12 Feb. 2024.

Earn Act 48 and Continuing Education Credits By Taking Tutorials in POWER Academy

Tutorials in POWER Academy offer short and concise training on a variety of topics that you can complete on YOUR time and earn continuing education (CE) and Act 48 credits. 

Content covers all staffing levels and library types, and are grouped by POWER Library service type and includes:

* Access Pennsylvania/SHAREit
* E-Resources
* PA Photos and Documents
* Chat with a Librarian
* POWER Library Basics 

Image with words POWER Academy

Do We Have All Your Barcodes?

Your POWER Library support team at HSLC maintains a barcode registry to which all barcodes must be included for your patrons to successfully access POWER E-Resources. 

If you changed your barcode number scheme or added a new set of barcodes to your system, please let us know!

Image with words POWER Library

POWER Library/Access PA Annual Technology Support Fee Notice

The technology support fee will remain the same for 2024-25.

Invoices will be distributed in April of 2024.

What are the cost-savings of participating in POWER Library?
Statewide contracts for POWER Library resources are paid by the Pennsylvania Department of Education/Office of Commonwealth Libraries.  In turn, your school or library benefits by not having to purchase these databases from local funds.

  • It would cost a school $56,515 to subscribe to all of the e-resources in POWER Library on their own. 
  • It would cost a public library $73,366 to subscribe to all of the e-resources in POWER Library on their own.

In addition to cost-savings, participants are provided with enhanced support, training, and custom programming for access to the e-resources.

Image with words New Job? Retiring?

End of Year Staff Changes?

Moving to a new school, retiring, or otherwise leaving your current position? Please let us know! Keeping us updated with contact changes ensures staff are kept up-to-date on lists, newsletters, and invoices issued by HSLC are received.

Help us keep the participant directory up-to-date!

Do You Need Support? We Are Here to Help!

If you need support, please use one of the options provided below to contact HSLC. 

Complete the POWER Library Support Form
Email us at
Call us at 215-222-1532

Connect with us
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POWER Library
This project is made possible in part by Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services and through the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Library Access funds administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Office of Commonwealth Libraries. The views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this website do not necessarily represent those of the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services or the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

POWER Library is hosted by HSLC
3600 Market St., Suite 550
Philadelphia, PA 19104