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May 14, 2024

Image with words POWER Library
POWER Library Annual Technology Support Fee Invoices Issued
This notice is provided to alert you that the Annual Technology Support Fee invoice was mailed to your institution. If you need your invoice e-mailed to you, please contact us at
Attention: Schools
Please note that for schools, invoices were mostly mailed to the district office for consolidated payment.
Thank you!
Thank you to everyone who has already paid for 24-25! These payments help HSLC cover costs during the transition from one fiscal year to the next while we await Library Access funding appropriations.
We accept payments online
Please note that the fee may be paid via credit card on the HSLC website at: 

Did you know?
The Access Pennsylvania and POWER Library programs are underwritten with Pennsylvania Department of Education and Federal grant funding. These funds cover most of the resources (staff, networks, hardware, and software) used to offer these services at no cost to Pennsylvania taxpayers. PDE, through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, contracts with HSLC for basic services that comprise the Access PA/POWER Library programs. HSLC charges an annual technology support fee to provide enhanced support, training, and custom programming for participating libraries. Technology support fees also underwrite costs to administer the grant, capital expenses for new hardware, and other unbudgeted expenses in support of the Access PA/POWER Library program.

Learn About Transparent Language With This POWER Academy Tutorial

Whether you’re a true language learning beginner, dusting off your old high school Spanish, or eager to tackle your tenth language —Transparent Language will help you get started and stick with it.  Featuring over 120+ languages, with practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing, lessons in this database will prove useful for all library environments.
With this tutorial, you will:
  • Gain a basic understanding of how to navigate and use Transparent Language.
  • Hear tips for using Transparent Language in the library environment. 

Spotlight On...
Spanish-Language Titles in BookFLIX
40 title pairs in BookFLIX are available in Spanish. These versions have the same Read Along option, with word-by-word highlighting as the English versions. Where a Spanish-language version is available, an "Español" icon appears above the e-book or below the video player.
Picture of book pages

Image with words POWER Library

 Fall Training & Other Events

You can find us in the exhibits hall at events across the state promoting POWER Library resources and providing attendees with outreach materials. Not attending a given conference yourself? Maybe your colleagues are attending. Tell them to stop by the POWER Library booth.

Image with words New Job? Retiring?

Staff Changes? Please Let Us Know!

Moving to a new school, retiring, or otherwise leaving your current position? Please let us know! Keeping us updated with contact changes ensures staff are kept up-to-date on email lists, newsletters, and that invoices issued by HSLC are received.

Help us keep the participant directory up-to-date!

Image with words POWER Library

POWER Library/Access PA Annual Technology Support Fee Notice

The technology support fee will remain the same for 2024-25.

Invoices will be distributed in April of 2024.

What are the cost-savings of participating in POWER Library?
Statewide contracts for POWER Library resources are paid by the Pennsylvania Department of Education/Office of Commonwealth Libraries.  In turn, your school or library benefits by not having to purchase these databases from local funds.

  • It would cost a school $56,515 to subscribe to all of the e-resources in POWER Library on their own. 
  • It would cost a public library $73,366 to subscribe to all of the e-resources in POWER Library on their own.

In addition to cost-savings, participants are provided with enhanced support, training, and custom programming for access to the e-resources.

Do You Need Support? We Are Here to Help!

If you need support, please use one of the options provided below to contact HSLC. 

Complete the POWER Library Support Form
Email us at
Call us at 215-222-1532

Connect with us
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POWER Library
This project is made possible in part by Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services and through the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Library Access funds administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Office of Commonwealth Libraries. The views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this website do not necessarily represent those of the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services or the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

POWER Library is hosted by HSLC
3600 Market St., Suite 550
Philadelphia, PA 19104