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May 28, 2024

Image with words E-Resources
Do We Have All Your Patron Barcodes?
Your POWER Library support team at HSLC maintains a barcode registry to which all barcodes in use at your institution must be included for your patrons to successfully access POWER E-Resources. 

If you changed your barcode number scheme or added a new set of barcode numbers, please let us know!

Image with words E-Resources
New E-Resources!
Where are the custom links for my institution?
Get them in the Links Generator.

Experiencing an issue accessing a new e-resource? 
Current subscriber?
If your institution currently subscribes to any of the new e-resources, please contact your vendor representative for any possible billing adjustments.

Image with words Small Engine Repair Source

Small Engine Repair Name Change

The e-resource formerly known as Small Engine Repair Reference Center is now called:
Small Engine Repair Source
There is no change to your link to this e-resource. However, if you provide the icon on your website you should replace it with the updated icon available in the For Librarians Hub

Image with words PA Photos and Documents

New Digital Collections!

Check out these recently added digital collections!
Amos A. Yeakel Civil War Diary made available by the Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage Center
Amos A. Yeakel was born February 26, 1843, in West Greenville, Mercer County, Pennsylvania and died June 25, 1912, in Vineland, New Jersey. The diary is a two-volume pocket diary written during the American Civil War between August 19, 1862, and March 14, 1865. 
It covers the entire period of Yeakel’s service in Company G, of the 145th Pennsylvania Volunteers. Following his mustering into service, the diary deals with Yeakel becoming a soldier, including a prolonged time in a military convalescent camp and a military hospital where he suffered... 
David Evans Collection made available by the Chester County History Center
This selection of digitized diaries by David Evans dates from 1835 to 1879. In these diaries, Evans notes his early studies in school; his experiences as a teacher, farmer, and surveyor; his interests in geology, botany, and history; his attendance at Quaker and Anti-Slavery Society meetings; and the daily lives of his family and friends. 
From the late 1830s to the early 1850s, many of Evans’ entries provide names and details of aid he provided as a member of the Underground Railroad. There is also one volume by David’s brother, Josiah Evans, dating from March to December 1838, which documents Josiah’s time in Ohio. Early entries describe the passing environs en route to Ohio, and, once there, focus on daily life, visits with family and friends, and his attendance at Quaker and Anti-Slavery...

Image with words POWER Library

 Fall Training & Other Events

You can find us in the exhibit hall at events across the state promoting POWER Library resources and providing attendees with outreach materials. Not attending a given conference yourself? Maybe your colleagues are attending. Tell them to stop by the POWER Library booth.

Image with words New Job? Retiring?

Staff Changes? Please Let Us Know!

Moving to a new school, retiring, or otherwise leaving your current position? Please let us know! Keeping us updated with contact changes ensures staff are kept up-to-date on email lists, newsletters, and that invoices issued by HSLC are received.

Help us keep the participant directory up-to-date!

Do You Need Support? We Are Here to Help!

If you need support, please use one of the options provided below to contact HSLC. 

Complete the POWER Library Support Form
Email us at
Call us at 215-222-1532

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POWER Library
This project is made possible in part by Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services and through the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Library Access funds administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Office of Commonwealth Libraries. The views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this website do not necessarily represent those of the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services or the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

POWER Library is hosted by HSLC
3600 Market St., Suite 550
Philadelphia, PA 19104