New e-books and much more!

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Access to the E-Resources in POWER Library is

Free with your PA library card or E-Card!

PA Photos and Documents
Dive into history with the digitized diaries of Phebe Ann Sharpless, thanks to the Chester County History Center. Reflecting on her life from 1849-1855, she offers personal opinions on key issues of her time such as abolitionism and women's rights. Along with her domestic activities, Phebe also delves into debates of the African colonization movement and her own thoughts on marriage. Join us as we journey back in time through her words. 

Examine deep into your roots with MyHeritage! Uncover your family history and marvel at our massive library of historical records. Experience the joy of seamlessly connecting the dots of your past and sharing your unique story with loved ones.
With MyHeritage, you're not just discovering your past, you're preserving it for future generations, across various languages. Join our global family now! 🌍👪 #MyHeritage #DiscoverYourStory
My Heritage Library Edition on POWER Library

Take a journey back before the first Thanksgiving through beautiful pictures and thought provoking insights in National Geographic! Dive into the wellspring of culture, nature, science, and more. It's not just a magazine, it's a passport to a world of knowledge. Perfect for educators, students or simply curious minds with content up to the year 2020. Are you ready for the voyage?

Use of the E-Resources in POWER Library Requires a Local Library Card or E-Card

Image with POWER Library logo and Here's Your eCard Number with an example eCard number included

If you have a library card issued by your local library, you do not need an E-Card. You can use your local library card number to access the e-resources in POWER Library. 

Looking for Your Local Library?

Try the Find a PA Library search tool available from POWER Library. Just enter your address, city, or ZIP code and you will be provided with a list of the three libraries closest to your location.  Get a library card and find out all about the services offered at your library!

All Things POWERful!

We hope that you have been able to take advantage of and enjoy the many resources available in the POWER Library, which include:

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POWER Library
This project is made possible in part by Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services and through the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Library Access funds administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Office of Commonwealth Libraries. The views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this website do not necessarily represent those of the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services or the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

POWER Library is hosted by HSLC.
3600 Market St., Suite 550
Philadelphia, PA 19104

POWER Library News Issue No. 127 (November 2024)