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Access to the E-Resources in POWER Library is

Free with your PA library card or E-Card!

Learn a Language in 2025
Resolutions can be about more than just what to let go of; they can also focus on welcoming new challenges.
Taking on a new language not only expands your horizons but also serves as an excellent workout for your mind. Whether you choose Spanish, Mandarin, or Swahili, each language opens up a unique perspective into a different culture and lifestyle. In 2025, learning a language is more accessible than ever, especially with POWER Library making Transparent Language available to all Pennsylvania residents- all you need is a PA Library Card or sign up for an E-Card. Transparent Language goes beyond mere visuals and flashy designs; it truly delivers results, which is why users appreciate it. You can choose from over 110 languages, including English as a Second Language.
Start Expanding Your Mind Today

Maintain Your Vehicles at Their Best
Winter can be particularly challenging for your cars and trucks. Auto Repair Source provides an easy-to-navigate platform and a wealth of information to assist users in diagnosing, repairing, and maintaining today's intricate vehicles.
All content is sourced from the Original Equipment Manufacturers, offering detailed DIY auto repair instructions, diagrams, maintenance schedules, estimates for parts and labor, as well as service bulletins and recall information.
Screenshot of the vehicle choice on Auto Repair Source

Are you ready to make a significant change in your career this year? POWER Library provides access to a go-to portal for a wealth of resources designed to help you navigate a career shift in 2025.
Discover the Resume Builder to craft the perfect resume, utilize Job Search tools to find new opportunities, and access Skill Building resources to enhance your abilities. Everything you need to elevate your career and achieve your goals is right at your fingertips!

Use of the E-Resources in POWER Library Requires a Local Library Card or E-Card

Image with POWER Library logo and Here's Your eCard Number with an example eCard number included

If you have a library card issued by your local library, you do not need an E-Card. You can use your local library card number to access the e-resources in POWER Library. 

Looking for Your Local Library?

Try the Find a PA Library search tool available from POWER Library. Just enter your address, city, or ZIP code and you will be provided with a list of the three libraries closest to your location.  Get a library card and find out all about the services offered at your library!

All Things POWERful!

We hope that you have been able to take advantage of and enjoy the many resources available in the POWER Library, which include:

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POWER Library
This project is made possible in part by Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services and through the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Library Access funds administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Office of Commonwealth Libraries. The views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this website do not necessarily represent those of the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services or the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

POWER Library is hosted by HSLC.
3600 Market St., Suite 550
Philadelphia, PA 19104

POWER Library News Issue No. 2501a